Rescue 3D 2011
2011, 0h 41 min.

Rescue 3D 2011

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Rescue 3D 2011

Storyline "Rescue 3D 2011"

From the individual civilian at risk for their life adrift at sea to a massive natural disaster threatening thousands of lives, there is a mechanism and resources in place to help save lives. Oddly, the instrument of hostility, the military, is even more often the instrument for saving civilian lives on both a smaller and larger scale. Our story takes place in the U.S. and Canada, countries whose military are frequently called upon to support humanitarian crises. In the U.S., the USAF maintains and operates a large fleet of unusually equipped cargo aircraft, the C-17, originally designed to move troops and huge military assets to remote parts of the battlefield in support of combat troops. In fact, these unique airplanes and their crews fly far more humanitarian missions than military missions, carrying

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