Jack the Giant Slayer 3D 2013
2013, 1h 54 min.

Jack the Giant Slayer 3D 2013

1 голос
Jack the Giant Slayer 3D 2013

Storyline "Jack the Giant Slayer 3D 2013"

The giants, who for the first time in many centuries found themselves on Earth, are now fighting for territories that they once lost, and young Jack is forced to risk his life to stop them. Fighting for the kingdom of its inhabitants and for the love of a brave princess, he comes face to face with invincible warriors, whom he considered a myth, and gets a chance to become a legend himself in the movies Jack the Giant Slayer 3d blu ray.

Jack the Giant Slayer is a hit and miss for the majority of this film it provides all the classic clichés and parts that we would see in a well known children's fairytale and it provides a fair bit of the usual good special effects and action sequences but outside that there isn't that much good about it

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Blu-ray 3D: 23.06 GB

SBS 3D: 9.53 GB

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