The Nut Job 3D 2014
2014, 1h 25 min.

The Nut Job 3D 2014

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The Nut Job 3D 2014

Storyline "The Nut Job 3D 2014"

The Nut Job 3D 2014 animated movie tells the story of Surly, a grumpy and selfish squirrel who lives in a city park. He has a plan to steal all the nuts from the local grocery store in order to survive the winter.Surly's plan attracts the attention of the park's other animals, including a group of prankster mice, a lazy raccoon, and a cute but clumsy squirrel named Andy. To get to the nuts in the store, the animals must overcome many obstacles: traps, guards, and a pack of vicious stray dogs.When winter comes, Surly's plan for survival falls apart, and he realizes that to protect himself and the other animals, he must learn teamwork and the value of friendship.

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Blu-Ray 3D: 22.11 GB

SBS 3D: 11.20 GB

Full SBS 3D: 11.16 GB

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