The Last Airbender 3D 2010
2010, 1h 43 min.

The Last Airbender 3D 2010

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The Last Airbender 3D 2010

Storyline "The Last Airbender 3D 2010"

In The Last Airbender 3D 2010, the world is divided into four elements - water, earth, fire, and air - each represented by a group of people who can control their respective element. The Avatar, a being with the ability to master all four elements, is considered the bridge between the physical and spiritual worlds. When the ruthless Fire Nation wages war to conquer the remaining nations, a young Airbender named Aang becomes the last hope for peace. Aang, who is the long-lost Avatar and the only remaining Airbender, must learn to control his powers and unite the nations to restore balance to the world. Along with his friends Katara and Sokka, Aang embarks on a dangerous journey to master all four elements and confront the Fire Nation's tyrannical ruler, Fire Lord Ozai.

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Blu-Ray 3D: 36.70 GB

SBS 3D: 12.7 GB

OU 3D: 6.92 GB

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