Raven the Little Rascal 3D 2012
2012, 1h 18 min.

Raven the Little Rascal 3D 2012

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Raven the Little Rascal 3D 2012

Storyline "Raven the Little Rascal 3D 2012"

Raven the Little Rascal 3D is a 2012 animated film about the adventures of a little sparrow named Raven. The plot unfolds in a magical world full of amazing creatures. Raven is a mischievous and curious sparrow who dreams of adventures outside his nest. One day he decides to leave the safety of his home and goes on a journey where he meets friendly animals and dangerous enemies. Through his trials, Raven learns important life lessons about friendship, courage, and responsibility. The movie emphasizes the value of friendship and the importance of following your dreams despite hardships, as well as making true friends.

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Blu-Ray 3D: 18.38 GB

SBS 3D: 9.23 GB

Full SBS 3D: 9.20 GB

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